Thomissøn’s easter
DACAPO 8.226188
Rekonstruktion af en lutheransk gudstjeneste i Ribe ano 1560
Musica Ficta
Ann-Christin W. Ingels, Louise Odgaard, Christine Nonbo – sopraner
Eva Wöllinger-Bengtson, Hanne le Fevre – alter
Tobias Aabye Dam, Josef Hamber og Palle Jensen – tenorer
Lauritz Jakob Thomsen, Rasmus Kure Thomsen og Torsten Nielsen – basser
Bo Holten, dirigent
Viggo Mangor, producer og teknik
Christian Tobiassen, manager
Indspillet i Ribe Domkirke marts 2017
»An incredibly interesting project!« Magasinet Klassisk
Ribe Cathedral, in the Southwest of Denmark, is one of the few places in the world where the earliest Lutheran church music practice can be reconstructed. Thanks to the Danish hymn collector Hans Thomissøn (1532-73), music director at Ribe Cathedral School around 1560, a clearly shaped liturgy was equipped with the relevant music. In exemplary manner this recording reflects the elements that made up an early Lutheran feast-day service in Denmark, including a fashionable Mass cycle by the Flemish master Jacobus Clemens non Papa.